
176 documents

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  1. Measuring the Sustainable Development Goals in the Netherlands

    Statistics Netherlands (CBS) published an exploratory report on the measurement of SDGs for the Netherlands, ‘Meten van SDGs: een ...

    Publication | 30-11-2016

  2. Final Statement Notification Both ENDS- Fórum Suape vs Atradius DSB

    NCP Final statement notification Both ENDS et al - Atradius Dutch State Business

    Publication | 30-11-2016

  3. Dutch NCP Letter to CEO's re VBDO Research

    Survey conducted by the Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO) on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign ...

    Publication | 21-11-2016

  4. OECD Watch Model National Contact Point

    Publication | 16-11-2016

  5. Banking Agreement on Human Rights

    Publication | 09-11-2016

  6. Initial Assessment Bralima and Heineken, 28th June 2016

    Publication | 28-06-2016

  7. 15 Years of National Contact Points, Highlights

    Publication | 21-06-2016

  8. OECD Report '15 Years of National Contact Points'

    Publication | 21-06-2016

  9. NCP Establishment Order 2014

    National Contact Point Establishment Order 2014, including explanatory notes

    Publication | 18-05-2016

  10. NCP Establishment Order 2014

    National Contact Point Establishment Order 2014, including explanatory notes

    Publication | 18-05-2016