Final Statement NCP specific instance FIVAS and Hasankeyf NGO’s vs Bresser

The Dutch National Contact Point published the Final Statement of the Specific Instance of FIVAS, the Initiative to Keep Hasankeyf Alive and Hasankeyf Matters vs Bresser, August 20, 2018.

On July 28, 2017, FIVAS, the Initiative to Keep Hasankeyf Alive and Hasankeyf Matters notified the Dutch National Contact Point of a specific instance concerning an alleged violation of the OECD Guidelines for MNEs by Bresser.

The notification against Bresser was relating to the due diligence obligations under the OECD Guidelines of Bresser, in the project of the relocation in May 2017 of the Zeynel Bey Tombe, a late 15th-century historic building in Hasankeyf, Turkey.

The NCP published its initial Assessment on January 9th, 2018. The objective of the NCP procedure was to bring the parties to an agreement on what is to be expected of Bresser, a small subcontractor operating in Turkey, under the OECD Guidelines' due diligence recommendations.

The Dutch National Contact Point published its Final Statement on the specific instance on August 20th, 2018. The parties did not reach an agreement on the issues raised. The Final Statement describes the process and the conclusions and recommendations of the NCP.