Initial Assessment Dewan Pengurus Pusat (Konfederasi) Serikat Buruh Sejahtera Indonesia vs. CNV
The NCP has concluded that the notification of Dewan Pengurus Pusat (Konfederasi) Serikat Buruh Sejahtera Indonesia regarding an alleged violation of the OECD Guidelines by CNV, a Dutch trade union organization, does not merit further consideration.
The notification concerns the, allegedly, by CNV unlawful cooperation with and funding of another trade union based in Indonesia, which is using an almost identical name (DEN Konfederasi Serikat Buruh Seluruh Indonesia) with the same acronym (KSBSI) as the notifying party.
Herewith the NCP has closed the Specific Instance procedure.
Additional information: A notification of a similar nature (by the same notifying party, against two trade union organisations based in Belgium) was filed with the Belgian NCP. Please find the Initial Assessment on its website