
Venue & accessibility
The conference will take place in The Hague, the Netherlands at the Social and Economic Council (SER)

The address of the location is: Bezuidenhoutseweg 60 in The Hague. The location is easily accessible by public transport. You can find directions at the SER-website

Attendance to the conference is free of charge for all participants.

The conference is open to participants from a wide range of stakeholders. The conference focus is on organizations active within the agriculture/food & electronics/technological manufacturing supply chain, including business and industry representatives (including CSR & supply chain managers) and also representatives from NGOs, trade unions, government and academia.

Note: This conference will be held in English only.

More questions?
Please contact the Secretariat of the NCP for any further questions on this conference.

If you would like to discuss possibilities to contribute to the conference, please contact Ms. Mathilde Teuben: mathilde@machi-consulting.nl or 06-21567641.